BWW fosters a community of writers. At BWW, writers discuss a wide range of texts and writing styles. Like any other community, we have a core set of principles that must be followed by all members.

You are welcome to ask for clarification on acceptable behaviour in our workshop. We understand that all writers are unique. We believe in critiquing the craft and not the writer. We expect our writers to adhere to this value system.

At BWW, you can expect to enjoy a space where you can challenge and play with text, find alternate understandings to assigned readings, and join an intimate and safe community that will allow you to discover yourself as a writer all over again. If you apply and are selected for a workshop, we ask that you abide by our community rules. Violating the Community Guidelines will result in being asked to leave the workshop without warning. The course fee will not be refunded in such a scenario. The decision of the facilitators in this will be final and binding.

Here is what we expect from our writers:


BWW expects each writer to take ownership for making BWW a fun and enlightening experience. Each writer contributes to making BWW a positive space where writing is celebrated.


BWW values diversity and alternative thought. We expect our writers to treat each other and the facilitators with respect. Writers will also be required to be sensitive to the sensibilities of other writers in the workshop. Writers are welcome to bring to the table any subject, and not shy away from intimate or politically challenging material, if that is where their interest lies. However, we discourage material that includes rampant racism or hateful accounts of sensitive subjects such as religion, caste, gender, or sexuality. We encourage writers to use their sense of discretion in their choice of writing material. All said and done, we only ask that every writer keep an open mind, and appreciate what each writer brings to the table.


Every writer's experience, ideas, and thoughts are valuable. Sharing always makes for a positive experience. We encourage our writers to share their material, discuss and critique each other's work in the interests of learning the craft. Withholding comments or not sharing their write-ups will not be tolerated. Writers will also be expected to share their opinions on the assigned readings from the BWW Course Book.


BWW expects writers to critique each other's work. Being positive while giving constructive criticism will ensure a pleasant environment which is conducive to learning. We place great importance on manners, politeness, clarity, grammar, and language in discussions. We discourage venting, or using hate speech, being mean, or obscene, or ranting. We expect our writers to discuss and not debate in the interest of keeping to time.

We hope to see you at a workshop in the near future!

You can continue your relationship with BWW and the community long after your workshop is over. Our community (over 600 and growing) is a thriving, engaging, and safe space for writers across various skill sets, interests, and experience. You can find us on WhatsApp or other social media networks.

Let us celebrate writing!